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James Bond

James Bond, the legend – agent 007, British Secret Intelligence service. This code gives the right to kill when he is on a secret mission. Famous 007, a son of Swiss woman and Scotsman, he received a usual secondary school education. Studied in Eaton, but being excluded…For most of us James Bond is associated with pre-war “Bentley” and automatic “Beretta” First-class shooter, perfect athlete being caught unarmed can always find the way out and cope with any problem or attacker as he always has some judo or karate tricks ready…(“Ditectionary”. New York, 1977)

So who is this guy? The hero made by Ian Flemming, is it a myth? Or is it a real man who made the glory of British MI-6 and made himself quite a historical personage? How real are those adventures that we all know by the author’s narrations?

A spy in real and a further researcher and historian of the British Secret Service Donald McCormick says that prototypes of the agent were two famous English spies – Sidney Reilly and Dusko Popov.

sydney reilly

Zigmund Rosenblum – Sidney Reilly – agent 007 and … from Odessa.

TSidney reilly’s biography is a total mystery. His origin, family, real name can be hardly restored. The adventures he was in and how he coped with them shows his extraordinary thinking, hazard and excellent abilities to find the way from any situation. His fortune and charm, 7 language skills, the same amount of official marriages and the same nonofficial were his remarkable personality features of one of the most outstanding mysterious figures in the history of international espionage nowadays.

So when and where did it start?

So, some Poline Rosenblum led a plain life being with her husband Grisha in one of the towns of Grodno region in Russia.
But once having decided to visit some relatives in the south of Russia. She was much warm met and especially by her husband’s brother Misha. So she could not but refuse him in some favor due to which in 9 months Polina brought to bed a boy Shlomo (Solomon) in 1873, March 24. So the boy was the one who was destined to become that espionage ace. His real father was much busy as he was going to become a doctor. That is why the boy was given to the family of the father’s cousin and his wife Sophia Rubinovna, a landlord living in a glorious Odessa city.

His free childhood and youth was pent in the house 15 in Aleksandrovskyy Avenue. This house you can see now not far from the Greek square. By the way, Sophia Rubinovna, give the house for rent to British embassy in 1918. What a coincidence…

Zigmund, or Zema – Odessa manner, Rosenblum finished Odessa gymnasium and entered Novorossia university, physico-mathematical department and having studied only 2 semesters; as so as one day her aunt found a note from his disciplined child: “My body should be found under the Odessa harbour ice”.

In facе, It was one oа his first but not the last successful affaire. Having stowed away on one of the ships from Odessa he appeared some day in England and then in the South America – our hero got a job of a wartchman and a cook in one of Brazilian jungle expedition. And our brave and witty hero was noticed by a local British secret service resident. He was praised an award for brevity and led to England where he was recruited to the Intelligence service Every operation of the agent was worthy to become a plot of an amazing adventurous spy novel. The first mission for the young agent was to find out the oil deposits near Baku and oil refining near Batumi in1897 where interest of Persia and England are much crossed at that time.

The mission does not prevent Zema from meeting a red-haired beauty Margaret Thomas who was recently married to an old and rich Englishman Hugh Thomas. The mission was over and our hero came back to England together with the mentioned family and it was quite a romantic trip back due to the night visits of Mrs. Thomas.
Rozenblum became a “real” friend of the Thomas and being introduced as a doctor he started curing the old and ill Mr. Thomas preparing some medicines himself. And what a mirack;le his medicine got such a great effect… even on the will of Mr. Thomas. The will was changed to Mrs. Margaret Thomas as the only heritor of his wealth. And in a week Mr. Thomas went for a treatment to Europe and died there of a heart failure.

And just several moths passed and our hero became a new husband of a poor widow, ex Mrs.Thomas. In a year he informed the Intelligence service that he was totally ready to devote himself to the British service having arranged his financial problems and taking his wife girls name – Reilly. So from that time on he was Sidney Reilly, a native of Irish town Tippereri.

port artur

He spent much time in work since 1898 till 1904; information brough from Persia about burs finance in Europe, secret drawing of Port Arthur brought from the Far East. He came there with his wife under a legend of being co-owner of “Grunberg and Reilly” wood trading company. He received all the necessary and exact copies of the fortification.

Unfortunately he came back without his wife who left him without a penny but the life of spy would not let him lead a poor life! He got a new mission in Germany. The mission was to find a way into the weapon plants of Germany to find out if there is really any danger for their country. So in 1904 Reily under the name of Karl Haan became a welding man on the Essen plant. Everything was made as was planned and Reilly got necessary information but with much complication: he was seen by one of the workers in the design-engineering bureau and Reilly had to get rid of him physically and got the drawings and disappear from the plant. He sent prepared envelopes with the drawing and left for Dortmund. He got new clothes and document on of the comparative apartment and nobody could even suspect this elegant gentleman of being a spy, so he easily got to England almost the same time with the envelopes sent before.

The following mission had much influenced the economics of the Great Britain and political situation in the world. He managed to trick the Rothshield having got under his nose the land in Persia, which was full of oil deposits. By the way, the company, which led the exploration in Persia, is called now British Petrolium and British Government bought 51% of the company on insistence of Winston Churchill.


In 1910 Reilly and his colleague Barry Jones managed to still magneto of a plain, which crashed on the aviation exhibition in Frankfurt on the Main, made drawings for German without noticing it.

After that mission Reilly was sent to Saint Petersburg to find out information about Russian-German companies which worked over the weapon modernization of Russian army. Reilly got no problem to be employed onto Hamburg dockyard Blom and Foss where he received access to the company’s documents.

A new mission started in 1917. Reilly got into Germany so that to find as much information as possible about the planned German offensive. Reilly successfully cope with the mission having received the data of German forces concentration.

But the following stage of Reilly’s activity was accompanied with much hardships even going to…

The mission in Soviet Russia planned by Reilly and known as Lockhart Plot (named after the head of the British mission) could seem as quite an anecdote. The plan was to liquidate Bolshevik’s leadership. He planned to arrest the communist leaders on the meeting of the Soviet of the deputies set on August 28, 1918. The plans could be hardly considered successful as so as Bolshevik’s had their spies almost everywhere. Reilly managed to escape last moment from Moscow. Since that moment Reilly became enemy #1 for Bolsheviks.

And communists managed to trick the famous agent. They ambushed famous social revolutionary Savinkov and then ambushed Reilly too in 1925. They were both arrested and Reilly was shot dead.

So this was the end of the real Agent 007…

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